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Couples After Dark | Knoxville

added by CouplesAfterDark
Location Knoxville, Tennessee
Event type Off-Premise Events
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Welcome to CouplesAfterDark! The Knoxville Off-Premise environment where discerning couples meet, socialize, and become better acquainted during couples' get-togethers and intimately sized cocktail and dinner parties; each gathering hosted at relaxed, stimulating, pleasurable and trendy upscale venues.
As some may already be aware, CouplesAfterDark wasn’t created previously, nor has it now been reintroduced to duplicate or compete with others in this arena who serve many facets of our community much better than we can ever hope to; each with their own focus and allure. It is simply presented as an alternate choice for those desiring an upscale (sometimes casual) evening out on the town, away from the congestion and deafening sounds of club-thumping music and be among those with similar passions and interests. We invite you to join us, and too invite others you would enjoy spending time becoming better acquainted with.
CouplesAfterDark | Social Gatherings for Discerning Couples!
Please do watch for updates and event postings here on our Kasidie Community.
Thank you for your interest!
To enlightening and fun-filled times!


Type Off Premise
Exclusiveness Members only, but that's a technicality as there aren't really any membership requirements
Membership Required No , Initiation: $, Fee: $ per
Party Admission Cost $ per
Minimum Age Requirement 37 years old
Single Males Allowed Never
Single Females Allowed Never
Members Typical Sexual Preference Straight, both sexes Straight males, but many bi-females Bi, both sexes
Languages Spoken by Staff English 
Off-Premise Club Information
Usual Meeting Place Bar/Club Personal Home Outdoor Location Other
Special Interests None, just a swingers meet and greet  Food/Wine  Arts/Theatre  Other 


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